Commands and Shortcuts

Managing Volumes

Listing Mounted Volumes

Open terminal and type df. There are options to provide for the way volume sizes are presented ~ the most useful is df -h which presents the list in a human readable format.

Adding an Automount

Automounting a volume at start is relatively easy.  It is accomplished by adding a line within the file /etc/fstab.  Use your favourite editor to add the line having started the editor with root priveledges (eg in terminal type sudo gedit ).  It is obviously safer to create a copy of fstab before making any alterations.

The line below is an example of the command to be added to fstab....

/dev/sda3 /media/Acer ntfs-3g default 0 0

The components of the above example are....

[Volume to be mounted]  [Mount Point]  [Volume Type]  [Options]

Managing Windows and Workspaces

Two shortcuts work in Ubuntu...

Windows Key + E
shows all workspaces on the desktop
Windows Key + W
shows all windows on the desktop ~ like the Mac

Listing Applications

dpkg -l 
lists applications in terminal (the option is lower case L)
dpkg -l >MyApps.txt
sends the list to a text file

dpkg --get selections >packages.txt similar but slightly different format

You can then resintall with the following commands....
sudo dpkg --set-selections < package.list
sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade

aptitude search '~i !~M' yet another alternative format